Upper Ross Family Support Hub
All families need support at some time, such as during a bereavement; finding yourself in debt; not being able to manage your child’s behaviour; questioning your ability as a parent or worrying that your child may have additional needs.
The Upper Ross Family Support Hub provides a place you can go and be listened to and supported. You don’t have to feel alone, worrying which way to turn, we can offer you support.
Services provided by the Family Support Hub:
- Individual and family Support
- Connections and referral to specialist agencies
- Information relating to available services
- Information Resources
- Parenting and Crisis Support
Family Support staff assess the needs of families and work with them to match their needs with the best service to help. This can be a service provided by the Family Support Hub or a service provided by a specialist organisation.
The Family Support Hub focuses on activities and wrap around support services with a focus on vulnerable families with children 0 – 8 years.
The hub supports existing childcare services (and their respective staff and families) who are located in the Upper Ross.
We believe in helping families to develop the skills to help themselves through Parenting Education. Through the Hub and held at the Upper Ross Community Centre are:
- Various parenting programs.
- Life Skills Workshops and Information Sessions.
Self-help skills are fostered through mutual support and group activities:
Upper Ross Playgroup
Is a friendly environment where children 0 to 5 and their families can participate in a wide range of child focused crafts and outdoor play. At Playgroup parents and carers have the opportunity to develop relationships with other families in the region and enjoy the activities with their children. Family Support staff are present to support activities and encourage an enjoyable learning experience for parents, carers and children. Playgroup is held at the Upper Ross Community Centre every Thursday from 9.30 to 11.30am. Transport is available, please phone the Community Centre on 4774 0144 to book.
Tuning in to Kids® Parenting Program
The Tuning in to Kids® program is an evidence-based, emotion-focused parenting program. The program aims to teach parents/carers skills in recognising, understanding and managing their own and their children’s emotions.
Crossroads Parenting Program
The Crossroads parenting program highlights the harmful impact of Domestic & Family Violence on children and young people. It provides parents/carers with knowledge and skills in responding in positive and nurturing ways to meet the needs of their children so that the cycle of Domestic & Family Violence is ended.