Emergency Assistance: 07 4774 0144

Queensland Financial Resilience Program

The Queensland Financial Resilience Program (QFRP) has been created to help.

It is a freenon-judgmental and confidential service delivered at Community Gro that can help you:

  • budget and prioritise expenses
  • identify financial risks
  • negotiate with creditors
  • know where to go for help

How can you access the program?


Call 4774 0144 or 4779 7268 or use the enquiry form below to contact the QFRP Team.


Discuss your concerns with the QFRP Team.


The QFRP Team will assist you in a way that works best for you, this can be via:

– phone or video call

– in person financial counselling

– financial engagement sessions and training

– additional service referrals and support

    Contact the QFRP Team